Setting Up Node-RED with Docker and Managing Backups


Node-RED is a powerful visual programming tool that allows you to easily create and manage flows for IoT applications. With Docker, you can run Node-RED in a containerized environment, making it portable and easy to maintain. In this guide, we’ll show you how to install Node-RED using Docker and manage backups for your flows.

Step 1: Install Node-RED with Docker
To install Node-RED, run the following Docker command:

docker run -d -p 1880:1880 -v nodered_data:/data --name mynodered nodered/node-red:latest

Explanation of options used:

  • -d: Run the container in the background (detached mode).
  • -p 1880:1880: Map port 1880 from the container to the host system. This allows you to access Node-RED from http://localhost:1880.
  • -v nodered_data:/data: Create a Docker volume named “nodered_data” and mount it to the /data directory inside the container. This volume allows you to persist Node-RED data and configurations.
  • --name mynodered: Assign the name “mynodered” to the container for easy management.
  • nodered/node-red:latest: Use the latest Node-RED Docker image from Docker Hub.

Step 2: Creating a Backup Volume
To create a backup of your Node-RED flows and configurations, you can use the docker cp command. This command allows you to copy files and directories from a container to your host system.

docker cp mynodered:/data /your/backup/directory

Replace /your/backup/directory with the desired backup destination on your host system. This command will copy the contents of the /data directory inside the Node-RED container to your specified backup directory.

Step 3: Stopping Node-RED
To stop the Node-RED container, use the following command:

docker stop mynodered

This command will gracefully stop the Node-RED container, allowing any ongoing flows to finish processing.

Step 4: Deleting Node-RED Container
If you want to remove the Node-RED container, use the following command:

docker rm mynodered

This command will remove the “mynodered” container, but the data and configurations stored in the “nodered_data” volume will be preserved.

You’ve successfully installed Node-RED using Docker, allowing you to easily manage and visualize your IoT application flows. Docker makes Node-RED deployment and maintenance a breeze, and you can also create backups of your flows and configurations for safekeeping. With Docker’s portability and scalability, you can take advantage of Node-RED’s full potential.

Happy flow building!

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