Deploying Pi.Alert Application with Docker


Pi.Alert is a powerful application for Raspberry Pi that enables you to monitor and control your network devices. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up Pi.Alert using Docker. We’ll cover two deployment options, each with its own configuration.

Step 1: Deploy Pi.Alert with Docker and Persistent Data

To deploy Pi.Alert with persistent data, use the following Docker command:

docker run --name pialert -d \
  -v pialert_data:/home/pi/pialert/db \
  -v pialert_config:/home/pi/pialert/config \
  --net=host \

Explanation of options used:

  • --name pialert: Assigns the name “pialert” to the container for easy management.
  • -d: Runs the container in the background (detached mode).
  • -v pialert_data:/home/pi/pialert/db: Creates a Docker volume named “pialert_data” and mounts it to the “/home/pi/pialert/db” directory inside the container to persist data.
  • -v pialert_config:/home/pi/pialert/config: Creates a Docker volume named “pialert_config” and mounts it to the “/home/pi/pialert/config” directory inside the container to provide configuration data.
  • --net=host: Utilizes the host’s network stack for efficient communication with other services on the Raspberry Pi.
  • jokobsk/pi.alert:latest: Specifies the Docker image to use for running the Pi.Alert application.

Step 2: Deploy Pi.Alert with Docker and Environment Variables

To deploy Pi.Alert with environment variables, use the following Docker command:

docker run --name pialert -d --network=host \
  -v pialert_config:/home/pi/pialert/config \
  -v pialert_data:/home/pi/pialert/db \
  -e TZ=Europe/Berlin \
  -e PORT=20211 \

Explanation of options used:

  • --name pialert: Assigns the name “pialert” to the container for easy management.
  • -d: Runs the container in the background (detached mode).
  • --network=host: Uses the host network stack for efficient communication with other services on the Raspberry Pi.
  • -v pialert_config:/home/pi/pialert/config: Creates a Docker volume named “pialert_config” and mounts it to the “/home/pi/pialert/config” directory inside the container to provide configuration data.
  • -v pialert_data:/home/pi/pialert/db: Creates a Docker volume named “pialert_data” and mounts it to the “/home/pi/pialert/db” directory inside the container to persist data.
  • -e TZ=Europe/Berlin: Sets the timezone to “Europe/Berlin” inside the container.
  • -e PORT=20211: Sets the environment variable “PORT” to the value “20211” inside the container.
  • jokobsk/pi.alert:latest: Specifies the Docker image to use for running the Pi.Alert application.

Remember to configure your network settings by adding “” under settings and saving the changes before running the container.

You have successfully deployed Pi.Alert on your Raspberry Pi using Docker. Whether you chose the option with persistent data or environment variables, Pi.Alert is now ready to help you monitor and manage your network devices.

Explore Pi.Alert’s features and start enhancing your network management capabilities today! Happy monitoring!

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